Peer-Reviewed Publications
Rushton, B., Lemieux, C. J., Scott, D. J., Halpenny, E. A., Tompkins, J., Jones, B., ... & Steinberg, B. (2024). Future-proofing nature-based tourism in Canada: a horizon scan of emerging challenges. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-27.
Bueddefeld, J., & Kerr, K. (under review) Comparing in-person and online video interpretation in zoo conservation messaging. Applied Environmental Education.
Bueddefeld, J., Elder Bert Auger, Ostrem, J., Halpenny, E., Murphy, M., & Funk, J. (under review) Rooted Wisdom: Exploring Transformative Learning in Land-Based Learning. Leisure/Loisir.
Bueddefeld, J., & Van Winkle, C. (2024). Polar bears, climate change, and trusted messengers: informing the Contextual Model of Transformative Learning Theory. Journal of Ecotourism, 23(3), 395-413.
Van Winkle, C., & Bueddefeld, J. (2023). From Visitors to Trusted Messengers: Encouraging Climate Change Action through Post-visit Action Resources. In Tourism and Hospitality Management in Practice (pp. 148-156). Routledge.
Bueddefeld, J., Ostrem, J., Murphy, M., Maraj, R., & Halpenny, E. (2023). Lessons for Becoming Bison Wise and Bear Aware in Elk Island National Park. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.
Bueddefeld, J., & Erickson, B. (2022). Wild bears, real bears, and zoo bears: Authenticity and nature in Anthropocene tourism. Tourist Studies.
Bueddefeld, J., & Duerden, M. D. (2022). The transformative tourism learning model. Annals of Tourism Research, 94, 103405.
Bueddefeld, J., Ostrem, J., Murphy, M., Halpenny, E., & Orr, B. (2022). Petting bees or building bee boxes? Strategies for transformative learning. Environmental Education Research, 28(4), 560-580.
Lemieux, C. J., Halpenny, E. A., He, M., Swerdfager, T., Rollins, R., Gould, A. J., Carruthers Den Hoed, D., Bueddefeld, J., Hvenegaardg, G. T., .& Joubert, B. (2022). On evidence-based decision-making by Canada’s protected areas managers: a reply to Irvine et al. FACETS, 7(1), 10-17.
Lemieux, C. J., Groulx, M. W., Buxton, R. T., Reining, C. E., Blye, C. J. C., Hassen, N., ...Bueddefeld, J.,… & Krehbiel, R. (2022). The'Healthy Parks-Healthy People'Movement in Canada: Progress, Challenges, and an Emerging Knowledge and Action Agenda.
Bueddefeld, J., Murphy, M., Ostrem, J., & Halpenny, E. (2021). Creativity during COVID-19: Adaptive, Novel, and Innovative Mixed Methods Approaches to Human-Wildlife Conflict Research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research (Special Issue).
Lemieux, C. J., Halpenny, E., Swerdfager, T., He, M., Gould, J. A., Carruthers Den Hoed, D., Bueddefeld, J., Hvenegaard, G., Joubert, B., & Rollins, R. (2021). Free Fallin’? The Decline of Evidence-based Conservation in Canada. FACETS.
Hvenegaard, G. T., Halpenny, E. A., & Bueddefeld, J. N. (2021). Towards Mobilizing Knowledge for Effective Decision-Making in Parks and Protected Areas. Land, 10(3), 254.
Van Winkle, C., & Bueddefeld, J. (2021). Free-choice learning in agritourism. World Leisure Journal, 63(2), 182-200.
Van Winkle, C., Bueddefeld, J., MacKay, K., & Halpenny, L. (2019, May). The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 for understanding mobile device use at festivals. Leisure Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2019.1618895
Van Winkle, C. M. & Bueddefeld, J. (January 2018). Engaging Festival Audiences through Social Media. E Review of Tourism Research, Enter2018: Jönköping, Sweden.
Bueddefeld, J., & Van Winkle, C. (2018). The role of post-visit action resources in facilitating meaningful free-choice learning after a zoo visit. Environmental Education Research. 24(1), 97-110.
Van Winkle, C., Bueddefeld, J., MacKay, K., & Halpenny, L. (2017, June). Factors Affecting Mobile Device Use in a Festival Context. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology.
Bueddefeld, J., & Van Winkle, C. (2017). Exploring the effect of zoo post-visit action resources on sustainable behavior change. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 25(9), 1205-1221.
Van Winkle, C. & Bueddefeld, J. (2016). Service dominant logic and the festival experience. International Journal of Event and Festival Management. 7(3), 237-254.
Van Winkle, C. M., Bueddefeld, J. N., MacKay, K. J., & Halpenny, E. (2016). Mobile Device Use at Festivals: The Role of Habit. Retrieved from http://ertr.tamu.edu/files/2016/01/Enter-2016-MD-Festival-Habit-Final.pdf
Books / Chapters
Van Winkle, C., & Bueddefeld, J. (2022). Information and Communication Technology in Event Management. Handbook of e-Tourism, 1-22.
Hvenegaard, G., Halpenny, E., & Bueddefeld, J. (Eds.). (2021). Parks and Protected Areas: Mobilizing Knowledge for Effective Decision-Making. MDPI.
Bueddefeld, J. & Benbow, M. (2021). Polar bears: Ambassadors for climate change. In From beasts of burden to K9 security: The working animals of the tourism industry. De Gruyter Series in Tourism Studies. Berlin: Germany: De Gruyter.
Bueddefeld, J., Van Winkle, C. M., & Benbow, M. (February 2018). Journey to Churchill Interpretive Exhibit case study: Innovation in evaluation, Winnipeg, Manitoba. In Innovative Leisure Practices: Cases as Conduits Between Theory and Practice Volume 2. Nanaimo, BC: World Leisure Center of Excellence.
Rideout, T., Dohan, R., Galbraith, S., Heinrichs, J.*, & MacKay, L. (Eds.). (2010). Contemplating sacred space: From the tangible to the conceptual. Winnipeg, MB, Canada: Aboriginal Issues Press. *Nee Heinrichs. Co-author and co-editor
Papers / Abstracts Published in Conference Proceedings and Conference Presentations (Peer-reviewed)
Maraj, R., & Bueddefeld, J. (2022, October). Using the Social Science Toolbox to Evaluate Education Strategies for Coexistence. Presented at the 6th International Human-Bear Conflicts Workshop. Las Vegas, USA.
Bueddefeld, J. & Halpenny, E. (2020, October). Nature-Based Visitor Learning for Behaviour Change: A Flipped Presentation. Presented at the North American Association of Environmental Education (NAAEE) 49th Annual Conference (Virtual).
Bueddefeld, J., Van Winkle, C., & Benbow, M. (2019, December). Using Falk’s Identity-Related Visit Motivations to Design Nature-Based Tourism Experiences. Full paper presented at: Australia and New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies (ANZALS) Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Bueddefeld, J., Van Winkle, C., & Benbow, M. (2019, September). Visitor Learning and Behaviour Change in Polar Bear Tourism. Full paper presented at the: Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Canada Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Bueddefeld, J., Benbow, M., & Van Winkle, C. (2019, June). Visitor Motivation and Learning in Polar Bear Tourism. Paper presented at Congress: Canadian Association for Leisure Studies (CALS) Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Bueddefeld, J., Benbow, M., & Van Winkle, C. (2019, May). Making Polar Bear Places. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) Annual Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Bueddefeld, J. Benbow, M., & Van Winkle, C. (September 2018). Visitor learning: In the polar bear capital of the world. Paper presented at the Travel and Tourism Research Association of Canada, Halifax, Canada.
Bueddefeld, J. Benbow, M., & Van Winkle, C. (April 2018). Wild bears, real bears, and zoo bears: Discourses of authenticity of polar bear tourism. Paper presented at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Bueddefeld, J., Van Winkle, C. M., & Benbow, M. (February 2018). Journey to Churchill Interpretive Exhibit Case Study: Innovation in Evaluation, Winnipeg, Manitoba. In Innovative Leisure Practices: Cases as Conduits Between Theory and Practice Volume 2. Nanaimo, BC: World Leisure Center of Excellence.
Van Winkle, C., Bueddefeld, J., MacKay, K., & Halpenny, L. (2017, June). Factors affecting mobile device use at festival attractions. Paper presented at Travel and Tourism Research Association International, Quebec City, QC.
Bueddefeld, J., Van Winkle, C, Halpenny, E., & MacKay, K. (2016, September). Mobile device use and non-use in a festival context: The role of age and gender. Paper presented at the Travel and Tourism Research Association of Canada Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Van Winkle, C. M., Bueddefeld, J. N., MacKay, K. J., & Halpenny, E. (January 2016). Mobile device use at festivals: The role of habit. E Review of Tourism Research. Enter2016: Bilbao, Spain.
Bueddefeld, J. Benbow, M., & Van Winkle, C. (August 2016). Exploring the role of nature-based tourism and free-choice learning at ecologically sensitive destinations and replicated interpretive sites: Encouraging sustainable tourism and behavior (Preliminary findings). Paper presented at the International Polar Tourism Research Network (IPTRN): Akureyri, Iceland.
Bueddefeld, J. Benbow, M., & Van Winkle, C. (May 2016). Exploring nature-based tourism and visitor learning at in-situ and ex-situ destinations. Paper presented at the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research: Kitchener, ON.
Bueddefeld, J. & Van Winkle, C. (November 2014). Polar bears on thin ice: Changing the course of climate change through visits to the zoo. Abstract and poster presented at the Parks and Protected Areas Research Forum of Manitoba: Winnipeg, MB.
Bueddefeld, J. & Van Winkle, C. (September 2014). Graduate Student Researcher Award paper presentation. Paper presented at the Travel and Tourism Research Association Canada Conference: Yellowknife, NWT.
Bueddefeld, J. & Van Winkle, C. (June 2014). Post-visit action resources and nature-based tourism: Perspectives on learning and sustainable behaviour change at the Assiniboine Park Zoo. Paper presented at the Travel and Tourism Research Association Canada Conference: Brugge, Belgium.